Who We Are
LivingSeed Team Canada is a team of brethren (brothers and sisters) called, convinced, and ordained of God into the labour of His vineyard, specifically for the building up of the Body of Christ in Canada and in the nations of the world in this generation.
We are a team of disciples learning together at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ in a continuous and progressive discipleship and submission to the LORD and to one another; we make ourselves readily available and at His disposal to do whatever assignments He may find suitable and fit for each one of us.
Our personal walk with Him comes before any work. To work through us, He must first work in us. He is the one that actually works in us both to will and to do of his good pleasure (Phil 2:13). As a result, becoming like Jesus in life and ministry is our primary focus and priority and this is a non-negotiable pre-requisite that forms the basis of our labour in His vineyard.
In response to the Lord’s commission, “…Go ye into the world and make disciples of all nation…” (Matt 28:19-20), the vision is:
- To win the souls of men and women to Jesus and disciple them to be conformed to the image of Christ in life and service.
- To make disciples who are Christ-like in character and relevant in their God given postings.
- To raise leaders through concerted discipleship.
- To teach and build up God’s people with the undiluted word of God.
- To bring the light of the gospel unto the Canadians and the unreached people groups in this land.
- To make available, sound biblical teachings to God’s people regardless of their racial or professional background, culture, language, or denominational affiliation in order to encourage their spiritual growth and to develop their leadership potentials.
- To prepare the body of Christ for the second coming of the LORD Jesus Christ.
We are disciples of Christ, committed to bearing the life of Christ that men and women in our generation can see and touch so that they in turn can experience the transformation of life and character into the image of the new creation man in Christ Jesus.
We provide sound biblical teachings based on the total counsel of the word of God through the print media (books – soft and hard copies, journals, tracts etc.), the electronic and social media (video messages and weekly Online Bible broadcasted on YouTube Channel, Facebook page, telegram, Mixlr (internet radio)), radio and television), teaching tapes (audio and video), CDs and DVDs.
We organize outreaches, retreats, conferences, seminars, workshops, training meetings, marriage retreats, youth development programs, Christian fellowship meetings, preaching the word of God and building up of the Body of Christ.
Through the aforementioned platforms, we provide opportunities for training and raising vessels for the end-time revival labour, both young and old, who will stand as the ‘light’ and ‘salt’ of the earth wherever they are deployed by the Lord and thus continue to influence the world for Christ.
Core Values
The personal life of a disciple is the basis for ministry and service. The personal walk with the Lord of each member of the team is more important to us in this work than the activities of the work. We believe that a personal, private, and secret walk with God is the only basis of any effective work for God.
We are committed to Discipleship and our commitment is not just a matter of doctrine or something that we like to do, Discipleship is our core value.
“NOT I BUT CHRIST” is our watch word both in life and in ministry. A selfless and sacrificial labour. The life of every labourer in His Vineyard is a living sacrifice. We will be trusting God to always send labourers no matter the level of skills required, and they will be coming as God’s living sacrifices, dead to the flesh and the world but alive unto HIM alone.
No show! No ostentation. Christ: none but Christ must be the gatherer of the harvest. The formation and the manifestation of the life of Christ will be the primary focus of our own lives and others that the Lord will add to us as a team.
We are members of the BODY; the Universal church and we exist for it. Whatever blessings or increase the Lord decides to bring to this labour, is for His Church and not constituted into a separate entity.
Doctrinal Statement
Our doctrinal basis is hereby stated as here under:
- We believe in the Godhead, as manifested in the unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who are equal in power and glory;
- We believe the Holy Scriptures (the sixty-six books of both the Old and New Testaments) are the inspired word of God, without error in the original writings, the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men, and the divine and final authority for all Christian faith, practice and life;
- We believe Jesus Christ is true God and true man, having been conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He lived a perfect, sinless life. He died on the cross, a sacrifice for our sins, according to the scriptures. He rose bodily from the dead and ascended into heaven, where He is now our High Priest and advocate at the right hand of the Majesty on High;
- We believe that salvation is not by works but the gift of God by grace through faith to all who accept Jesus Christ as personal Saviour and LORD;
- We believe the Holy Ghost is the third person of the Godhead who regenerates, indwells, baptizes, and seals all true believers in Christ and fills those yielded to God. The enduement with the power of the Holy Spirit equips us for effective service in His vineyard, with any of His gifts, workings and ministries;
- We believe in the universality of the Church, the body of Christ to which all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour belong;
- We believe that Jesus Christ is coming back in like manner as He ascended into heaven;
- We believe in the sovereignty of God in judging mankind, that heaven is the eternal resting place of the saved, and hell is the eternal dwelling place of the unsaved;
- We believe marriage as a permanent holy matrimony as ordained by God and defined in the Bible between a man and a woman.